Cervical incl Trauma
Step 1. Scan from foramen magnum to T4
Step 2. Acquire a standard axial dataset and then construct sagittal reconstruction set. Align parallel to the spinous process as shown (Fig 1).
Step 3. Use axial data set to obtain coronal reformats. Align parallel to the line through both transverse processes as shown (Fig 2).
Step 4. IMPORTANT Check the sagittal images, if the spine is very tilted, reformat a new set of axial images, align parallel to the vertebral end plates (Fig 3)
Thoracic Spine
Mark level of pain and cover 2 vertebral bodies above and below the affected level. Axial block with bone and soft tissue recons. Bone recons in sag and coronal. Bone 3D
Lumbar Spine
Block L1 to S1 Bone and soft tissue recons. Bone recons in sag and coronal. Bone 3D
For pars lesions, coverage can be limited to the involved levels from top of facet above to bottom of facet below
Sacroiliac Joint
Axial block the reconstruct coronal and sagittal
Contact: eugene.mcnally@gmail.com

 MSK CT Protocols

Dr Eugene McNally